InboundWP is the latest addition to the plugin collection of WP Online Support, and they added it to their Essential Plugin Bundle. WP Online Support offers a wide array of different plugins which are fairly simple, but also really easy to use and still quite powerful and customizable.
- Spin Wheel
- Marketing Popup
- Testimonial / review
- Social Proof
- WhatsApp chat support
- Deal Countdown Timer
- Better Heading
Spin Wheel
You probably know the saying “the money is in the list”, which emphasizes the value of building a high quality mailing list. However, in today’s privacy conscious society, people are more and more hesitant to give out their e-mail address, so you have to give them a good reason to do so.
Many webshops are giving out discount codes of 5 to 10% in exchange for a subscription on their mailing list, so customers are used to that already and are probably albe to resist with ease. But what if they have a chance at a 50% discount, or even more? No one can resist that, right?
That’s where InboundWP’s Spin Wheel comes in. It’s a really fun an engaging way to harvest e-mail addresses – who doesn’t love a little gambling right?
The Spin Wheel is highly customizable: you can change the color for every part – from the grey background to the “spin the wheel” button right down to the pointer icon – and change all texts as well.
You can add as many wheel parts (options) as you want, and of course change their labels, background color, value and code, and you can even set a custom message and automated e-mail for each option.
And because the casino always wins, you can even set a probability value for each option. So if you have a 50% discount option, but you only want only 1 out of 100 participants to win that, you just set the probability for that option to 1%. And if you want 50% of the participants to get a free e-book, you set that option to a 50% probability.
The Spin Wheel integrates with WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads, and you can store the e-mail addresses in the plugin’s backend or add them to your MailChimp mailing list. They can also be exported as a CVS file, so you can import them in your marketing tool of choice.
Marketing Popup
Are you looking for a more classical way to get your visitor’s e-mail address? In that case, the Marketing Popup plugin might be just right for you!
However, it’s not as versatile as some other popup builder plugins. You can only choose between 7 templates, but you can customize the colors and backgrounds for those. You can also choose between 3 different popup types: you can have a bar, a notification icon or a classic popup modal. And you can choose where it appears, like bottom left, top right etc.
You can set a main heading, a subheading, main and secondary content (with the classic WP editor, so you can also add images and so on), and of course which fields you want filled out; next to the name and e-mail address, you can also add a field for a phone number, or a normal text field or text area. There’s even a date picker and checkbox available.
Of course, you can set the labels for every field, as well as a placeholder text, and you can change the order of the fields with drag and drop. Nice!
Reviews grid / slider
When potential customers are interested in doing business with you, they often want a verification that they made the right choice. Reviews from existing customers are often just the push they need!
InboundWP’s review grid / slider let’s you add reviews in the backend, and choose between 20 different designs to show them on the front-end. Those are fixed designs though, you can’t adjust any colors, font types etcetera. But with 20 (mostly nice, subtle) designs to choose from, there’s probably at least one you like between them.
You can set which elements you want to show or hide, how many reviews per row etcetera, and if you want to show them in a grid or a slider. And instead of adding the reviews in the backend, you can also pull reviews from your Google Business page.
Social Proof
Reviews are not the only kind of social proof: successful sites like also use recent conversions and reviews to convince their customers. Now, the InboundWP plugin let’s you do the same on your site!
You can show recent purchases and/or reviews from your WooCommerce store or Easy Digital Downloads, and choose where you want to display them (everywhere, or just on product pages, or just on the blog, or … ).
You can also set how the delay between each notification, for how long you want to show them, hide them for logged-in users or on mobile, and choose the colors and position.
WhatsApp Chat Support
If a customer has a question, he wants an answer right now. WhatsApp Chat Support is ideal for that, since you always have your phone on you, right? WhatsApp also offers a nice web interface so you can chat with your customers on your computer.
You can add multiple agents and set their status to online or offline, and you can use custom status messages for each agent. You can also set their name, designation and image in the backend, so those are not taken from the agent’s WhatsApp settings.
Deal Countdown Timer
Temporary offers are another widely used marketing technique. Black Friday Sale, Christmas Sale, Spring Sale, Winter Sale and Group Deal / Deal of the day websites, customers can’t seem to get enough of juicy offers.
Offers are usually only valid for a short time, and nothing creates more urgency than a countdown timer!
The Deal Countdown timer in the InboundWP plugin works with WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads. In those plugins, you can set a sale price with an end date, and this plugin will create a striking countdown timer to tell your customer they shouldn’t wait too long!
You can choose between multiple styles (circles, squares, flips or just the numbers without a background or border), set the colors of the background and numbers, set the font-size and even change the text on the days – hours – minutes – seconds labels.
Better Heading
Another thing big successful websites like Amazon or do on a daily base is A/B testing. They’re constantly making small changes on their websites to see which variation converts better: the color of a button, the text near the add-to-cart button, the headings etcetera.
The Better Heading element in the InboundWP plugin gives you the power to use the same technology on your blog post headings. You can write up to 10 different headings, and Better Headings will show each heading to a percentage of your visitors. It then measures the amount of clicks on each heading so you can see which heading converts best.
So if you write 4 different headings, 25% of your visitors will see heading #1, 25% will see heading #2 etc. For example. if heading #1 gets 40 clicks, heading #2 gets 35 clicks, heading#3 gets 45 clicks and heading #4 gets 100 clicks, header #4 is clearly the winner and you should use that as your heading.
Although the idea is nice, to be honest this is a really limited plugin. If you’re serious about A/B testing, you should just buy Divi. That has one of the most extensive split testing features I have ever seen: for example, Divi will let you test different headings as well, but let’s you set the add-to-cart button as the goal so you can measure which variation gets the most clicks on the add-to-cart button.
Moreover, you could do the same for the font size or color of the price, or any other element on the page, instead of just the heading.
The core InboundWP plugin is completely free. That’s a limited version though, if you want all the featured described above you’ll need the pro version. For example, the free version of the marketing popup only offers the modal popup type – not the bar and notification option, and you can only show the popup on page load while you can also choose options like exit intent, on scroll (down or up, with a percentage) etcetera in the pro version.
Moreover, the pro version is part of WP Online Support’s Essential Plugin Bundle, so you’ll get a lot of other plugins with your purchase a well.
The costs are $ 89 per year of $ 169 for a lifetime licence. Both licenses allow you to use all products on an unlimited amount of websites.
The lifetime deal price is quite cheap already, but if you click the button below, you’ll get the same deal for just $ 125 🙂 That’s a 26% discount!
InboundWP offers some really nice modules. Sure, there are probably better alternatives for the individual modules, but to find all of those features in 1 plugin for that price…
you won’t find that anywhere else. Especially since you’re getting a lot of other plugins for your money as well, and there are some really nice ones among them that I use regularly.

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