The team from WP Online Support approached me after reading my Divi review and asked me to review their Essential Plugin Bundle as well.
That Essential Plugin Bundle consists of over 45 premium plugins and 11 premium themes, so let’s dive in to it!
Sliders and albums
First thing that strikes me is that WP Online Support offers multiple sliders and image plugins.

One I really like is the Album Gallery Pro plugin. Before I discovered this plugin, I always used Nextgen Gallery whenever I needed to organize multiple galleries into albums (which is a great way to showcase projects). But Nextgen isn’t the most user friendly plugin, so I had a hard time explaining it to my clients.
This plugin from WP Online Support is a lot easier to use, even though the pro version offers enough customization settings: you can choose between 17 album cover designs and use up 12 columns, show or hide the album title and description,
use a masonry layout etcetera.
Other image plugins are App Mockup Carousel, that shows images in a phone, an Accordion slider, a Before and After image slider and a few different post sliders (which can also be used for pages and even for custom post types).
All of WP Online Supports image plugins use the default WordPress gallery function, which make them really easy to use.
The same goes for the settings; they are all done in simple dropdown menu’s and text fields, most of the time with a preview so you can see how the chosen setting will look on your site.
When you’ve chosen the settings you want, you can generate a shortcode with all the chosen values which you can insert into any page or post, even if you build them with a page builder like Divi or Elementor.
You can also add the shortcode in a widget, so you can insert it in your footer, header, sidebar and anywhere else your theme allows it.
If you’re just looking for a normal image carousel, WP Online Support has you covered too. Their SlidersPack consists of ten different sliders, most of which let you choose between 20 different styles.
The sliders in the SlidersPack aren’t developed by WP Online Support, they just made a bundle of some well knows sliders like Nivo Slider, Owl slider, Flex Slider etcetera.
One slider worth mentioning is the 3D slider, which offers some cool 3D effects, and the Scattered Polaroids Gallery is cool as well.
Most of the sliders offer about the same possibilities though: just normal image sliders, show or hide navigation dots and arrows, autoplay and speed, show or hide the image title or caption, thumbnail navigation etcetera.
Personally, I wouldn’t really recommend a plugin like SlidersPack. Most of the sliders offer more or less the same functionality, and in contrast to the plugins above, the SlidersPack doesn’t offer a preview.
Most sliders offer 20 designs, but since there’s no preview, you’ll have to select design #1, copy/paste the shortcode, see how it looks, go back to the slider, select design #2, copy/paste the shortcode etcetera. That’s a really old fashioned way.
If you’re only looking for a good slider plugin, Smart Slider 3 is a better alternative in my opinion.
But hey, it’s included in the Essential Plugin Bundle so you don’t have to buy it separately.
Just look at it as a nice bonus 🙂
PowerPack with Essential Security
So does WP Online Support offer any other plugins than just image plugins? They sure do! As I said before, there are 45 plugins available. WP Online Support put their most powerful plugins in one single plugin with the appropriate name “PowerPack“. This PowerPack contains 25+ modules and 4 widgets which you can just toggle on or off without installing any other plugins. Let’s go over a few of them.
For starters, there’s a nice FAQ plugin that let’s you display an accordeon style FAQ section. Actually, like most of the plugins from WP Online Support, all the separate questions are just posts with the classic WordPress content editor, so you can just add a title and have the old editor where you can typ your text, but you can also include images, videos, PDFs etcetera. So the possibilities of this plugin are not limited to FAQ, you can use it for other accordeon style content as well.
Just like with their album plugin, there’s a shortcode builder which lets you choose from 15 designs, of which you can customize things like the colors, font size etcetera. You can even divide your faqs (or other content you want in the accordeon – which would probably be a better name for this plugin) in categories and select which categories you want to in- or exclude. So it’s actually quite a versatile plugin.
The same goes for their Logo Showcase plugin, which is essentially a grid of images. It uses the posts featured image, and you can also display an animated tooltip on hover (which is your post title), animate the image on hover and choose from a bunch of different styles for the grid (some background, some image filters like b&w that turn into color on hover etcetera).
Plugins like Team Showcase, Testimonials and Portfolio feel like more of the same on first glance, but when you look a little deeper, you’ll see that there are some custom fields for each plugin to accomodate their purpose. The team showcase plugin provides you with fields for the name, experience, expertise and even social media profiles of each team member, and over 20 different styles to showcase them; with the info in a popup, or as a flip card, or just below the picture… the testimonials plugin also provides a name field, but also custom fields for the name, company and even a star rating, and of course also a wide range of specific testimonial designs to choose from.
Next on the list, there’s an Instagram feed plugin, which is again quite simple: just put in your user name and choose the settings you want in some select menu’s, copy/paste the shortcode and you’re done. The same goes for the Recent Posts slider plugin (which, again, gives you a LOT of customization options and designs).
Another cool functionality in the power pack is the custom Maintenance / Coming Soon Page, with a countdown widget, social media links and you can even include your Mailchimp (or other newsletter) subscription form. Another tool lets you customize your login screen.
There’s even a simple but effective Security plugin, that offers features like renaming the login page, ReCaptcha on login, removing the admin bar for certain user roles and limit the amount of login attempts. They even included right click prevention and a cookie notice bar!
But wait, there’s more!
OMG, that’s amazing! When you buy your subscription right now, you’ll get some unbeleivable bonusses!
Haha, don’t worry, I’m not one of those annoying tell-sell guys 😉 But in this case, it’s funny because it’s true. Any of the WP Online Support subscriptions give you access to all of their products. As I said before, there a currently 45 plugins available. To mention a few (next to the ones I already discussed above), a Popup Builder plugin, a Timeline plugin with Font Awesome icons (or your own images), a News / Recent Posts Plugin which lets you showcase your news in a slider or (masonry) grid, a few plugins to showcase your WooCommerce products and categories in a nice way and more. See all plugins here.
But wait, there’s more!
Remember? WP Online Support does’t just make plugins, they make themes as well 🙂
At the moment, there are 11 themes available. Most of them are blog / news themes, which are essentially the same theme with a slightly different design. The themes have their own settings panel which lets you customize the theme a bit:
- Customize your colors and typography
- Make your navigation menu sticky
- Choose if you want to display your featured posts as a grid or slider
- Customize how the homepage looks (which will display the recent posts)
- Set the amount of columns on the blog and category pages, and if you want a masonry layout
- Customize the footer
- Add social media icons
You can also import and export everything between sites. Some themes come with a few designs to choose from, and/or some custom widgets.
If you focus on blogging or want to build a news site, these themes might be a good choice for you since they do have some nice functionality for that build in. But if you want to build a normal website for your business, or a webshop, there are better (free) alternatives out there.
So what about the pricing for all of this? Well, WP Online Support offers 2 licences; yearly or lifetime. You can choose to pay $ 89 per year, or $ 169 for lifetime access.
Since the lifetime licence is just 2 times the yearly fee, I would absolutely recommend to go with that. Both licences give you access to ALL plugins and themes mentioned above,
and you can install all of those products on an unlimited amount of websites.
The lifetime deal price is quite cheap already, but if you click the button below, you’ll get the same deal for just $ 125 🙂 That’s a 26% discount!
So WP Online Support offers a really wide array of plugins that are really easy to use because they are built upon core WordPress elements like the default WordPress gallery, the featured image and the classic editor. And regardless of their simplicity, the pro version of the plugins still offer quite a bit of customization options through the shortcode builder, which is again extremely easy to use.
You could probably find free alternatives for most of these plugins – in fact, WP Online Support has a free version available for most of their plugins in the WordPress repository
(with quite limited functionality compared to the pro version of course). But with a WP Online Support subscription, you have almost every plugin you need from the same company. They all work more or less the same (and again, really easy) so you don’t have to get used to another complicated user interface for each plugin, and you don’t have to worry about any plugin conflicts. In fact, if you use the PowerPack plugin, you can do a LOT with just one plugin.
All plugins are well documented, and WP Online Support offers live chat support if you run in to any problems. And for that price… I think it’s an absolute no-brainer, just go for it!

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This article is written by Bob the webbuilder, an allround website expert who blogs regularly about all kinds of subject to help you build your website. Do you need help?
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