When you use Elementor, Brizy or another WordPress page builder, you’ll need a WordPress theme that plays with nice those page builders. Whenever someone asks about a good theme on a forum or Facebook Group, themes like Astra and OceanWP got mentioned. But lately, I saw, a new WordPress theme called Zita got mentioned increasingly, so I decided to check it out 🙂 In this Zita theme review, I’m gonna tell you whether or not Zita is a good choice for your next Elementor of Brizy project, and if Zita Pro is worth its money. Let’s go!
Zita theme header and footer builder
Zita is essentially a free theme, so that’s always a good start 😉 Even better is that it’s free version offers a lot of value, one of which being a nice header & footer builder!
Zitas header builder gives you a lot of design freedom, since it lets you individually design the above header area, the main header and the below header area.
You can divide the above and below header into 3 columns, and choose what you want to display in each column. In my screenshot, I put a custom text in the first column, social media icons in the second column and a search icon in the third column.
You can also choose to put a menu in there (comes in handy for a utility menu), but the coolest part is you can also put a widget area in any of those columns. That opens up a whole new world of possibilities: you can put in an image widget, a search bar, a WooCommerce widget, a custom HTML widget etcetera. And remember, all this is available in the free version of Zita!
So the above header and below header areas offer a lot of flexibility and design freedom. The main header area is a bit more limited, but still offers some nice features. First of all, you can choose between 8 different header layouts. You can choose a classic layout with the logo on the left and the menu on the right, but you can also choose to put the logo in the middle with the menu on the right, put everything in a left or right sidebar or even have a mobile style menu on desktop as well, with a menu button that triggers a sidebar menu on the left side.
Next to that, you can add the things you can add in the above and below header columns as the last menu item. This comes in really handy if you want to add a search icon to the menu, but you can also choose to add other things.
You can also set a border bottom color and size, set a few mobile menu options and choose between a dark and light color scheme. The pro version of Zita also lets you set all the individual colors, fonts etcetera.
Zita free does let you allow you to set a transparent header, something that’s normally only available in pro versions.
Zita also offers a footer builder, that offers the same features as the header builder. Just like with the header builder, you have an above and below footer area that you can divide in 3 columns in which you can put text, widgets etcetera. The below footer area is the perfect place for your copyright text, conditions and privacy statement.
The footer itself offers 8 different layouts: next to the traditional 1, 2, 3 and 4 column layout, you can also choose to have a 2/3 – 1/3 layout or a 1/4 – 1/2 – 1/4 layout. Every column is a widget area, so you can put anything you like in there.

Zita sidebar, blog, woocommerce and other settings
Zita theme also lets you set the default sidebar layout (left, right or no sidebar). You can set the width % of the sidebar, and you can set a different default layout for your pages, blog posts and WooCommerce pages. You can adjust these settings on a per page base, and you can also choose to show or hide the (above and below) header and footer per page.
The Zita WordPress theme also lets you adjust the blog settings. You can choose a 1 to 4 column blog layout, set which elements you want to show (author, category, date, image, excerpt and excerpt length) and change their order. You can do the same for single blog posts.Â
To top it al off, Zita theme offers a good amount of WooCommerce settings, like how you want to display the cart in the header (just a cart icon, or with the amount), how many columns the shop page has and which elements you want to show (image, price, ratings, add to cart button etcetera).Â
Just like with the blog settings, you can drag those elements in the order you want, which gives you quite a bit control over your WooCommerce page. Really cool!
You have about the same settings for the single product page too, and you can set how many related and upsell product you want to show (or hide them all together).
There are even a few settings for the checkout page.
Other Zita theme settings include:
- Global colors, like the default theme color, title color, text color and link color.
- Style the hamburger menu icon, back to top icon, search icon and button
- Set the basic typography for body, title and content (font family, font size, text tranform, line height and letter spacing)
- Set links to your social profiles
All of these settings are done in the WordPress customizer, so you see the effect of your changes in real time. Under every setting there’s a link to the help page on Zita’s website for that particular subject. That’s handy!
Zita theme templates
Zita Pro review (Premium Zita)
So what does Zita Pro has to offer? Let’s do a Zita Premium review!
On the Zita website, we can find that Zita Pro currently includes:
- White label
- Sticky header / footer / sidebar
- Color & background options
- Advanced typography options
- More blog layouts
- Spacing control
- More WooCommerce options
- More control over containers
- More menu styles
- Mega menu (coming soon)
- More header and footer layouts
- Built in social sharing
- Pagination style
Sounds good, so let’s take Zita Pro for a test drive 🙂
White label
The first item on the list is white label. That allows webdesigners like myself to remove all Zita branding and add their own, so it looks like they made the theme themselves.
That works ok, but the active theme in the customizer still says Zita, and those handy links to the help pages on the Zita website under every setting are not so handy when you don’t want clients to know you’re using Zita 😉Â
Sticky header / footer / sidebar
In Zita Pro, you can set the header, footer and sidebar to be sticky. A sticky header is seen quite often; when you scroll, the header stays on top of the screen. Since you can set a separate above, main and below header in Zita, you can also choose which part of the header you want to make sticky. You can even to choose if you only want to show the sticky header when the user scroll up, and hide it when he scrolls down.Â
Sticky footer works a bit different – instead of the footer always showing at the bottom, there’s a subtle arrow icon which pulls up the footer when clicked. That’s smart, because the footer would probably take up too much screen real estate otherwise. The sticky sidebar does work as expected, which I can see particularly handy with WooCommerce shops.Â
Color and typography
With Zita Pro, you get a lot more control over your theme colors and typography. In the free version, you can set some global colors, but with the Zita premium, you can style every element like the title, meta info, share icons, woocommerce price etcetera. You can set a different styling for each element, so for example your shop title can have a different color than your blog title.Â
More blog layouts
Zita Pro adds 3 extra blog layouts. In the free version, alle elements are below each other. In Zita Pro, you can put the featured image left or right of the content, and you can also have a zig zag layout (one post with the image left, one post with the image right). Personally, I expected some more layouts like mansonry (especially that one, since that’s on the picture at the pro features page) so that was a bit disappointing.

Zita Pro let’s you set spacing for a lot of elements, like menu, header, footer, blog, products etcetera. You can set the spacing in px, % or em, and you can set them for PC, tablet or mobile.Â
More WooCommerce options
Zita Pro adds some cool WooCommerce options, like an off canvas sidebar (that’s a sidebar that’s hidden and can be pulled out with an arrow icon) and quick view (see the product details in a popup in the shop page, without going to the product page).
More header and footer layouts
Well… not right now. Due to technical problems, the extra header and footer layouts are removed at the moment, but according to the developer, they will be back soon 🙂
Pro templates
You also get a few extra templates with Zita Pro, but at the moment there are only 5 pro templates available.
Elite addons for Elementor
So you probably didn’t hit that button right? I understand, I didn’t either at first. The Zita pro features are okay, but they didn’t convince me to buy Premium Zita theme.
The WOW factor isn’t there yet. Colors, typography and spacing… those are all things you can set in Elementor or Brizy too. The blog layouts just aren’t good enough and more header and footer layouts aren’t even there at all right now. Sticky header isn’t a unique selling point either, since every paid theme offers that, and the WooCommerce options can’t save the day on their own either. So I had my mind made up: Zita Free is a great theme, but pro isn’t worth the investment yet. And then I saw Elite Elementor addons…
Elite Addons for Elementor gives you 12 new widgets for this popular page builder.
On the Zita site are demos for every one of them, and some are really cool!
The Advance Heading widget lets you create beautiful subheadings with (icon) dividers, and headings where the background images shines through the heading text.Â

The Content Switcher widget is like a flip box. It offers two content areas; one for the left option of the switch and one for the right. By toggling the switch, you switch between those content areas.
The coolest part about that is that you can’t only put text in those content areas, but you can put an entire saved section in there, or even a complete saved page! That way, you can put anything you want in there.
The same is true for the Tabs widget. There is a tabs widget in Elementor already, but you can only put in your content with the text editor with that. The tabs widget of Elite Addons also lets you put in complete saved Elementor templates, so once again, you can put anything in there you like.
The Image Animation widget is really cool as well. You really have to check out the demo, but it offers a lot of possibilities. It gives you flip box effects, image zoom effects, color overlay effects, some filter effects…Â and you can all combine them as you wish.Â
The Image Pointer widget is a nice idea as well, although the implementation needs some more work. This widget lets you put icons on an image, with a little tool tip box. You can choose to only show the tooltip on hover, and you can set a hover animation as well.
However, you can’t set a link on an icon, and you can’t drag the icon to the position you want (even though that’s possible in Elementor). So as I said, it’s a good idea but it needs some work.
As I said before, the “more blog layouts” in Zita Pro dissapointed me a bit, but the Posts & Page Pro widget in Elite Elementor Addons makes up for that 🙂 It has some really cool features to spice up your blog page, like custom borders around the posts, box shadow effects. backgrounds (you can set a different background for each column, and you can use colors, gradients and images), add a box with the publish date etcetera.
You can even pick a different source, so you can make a grid with your pages or WooCommerce products instead of blog posts. A really cool widget!
Elite Addons for Elementor also offers some widgets that are also in Elementor Pro, like the Countdown widget and Pricebox widget, and things like an Instagram widget save you from installing yet another plugin. All of the widgets offer a lot of styling options, and all the default Elementor advanced options are available as well (motion effects, animations, margin and padding etcetera.
You get Elite Addons for Elementor as a free bonus when you buy Zita Pro! In my opinion, Elite Addons for Elementor offer more value than Zita Premium features by itself, so that was more than enough reason for me to buy the lifetime licence 🙂 So, are you ready to hit that button now?
Zita Free is a great theme that offers a lot of value, but the pro version by itself isn’t good enough yet in my opinion.
However, Elite Addons for Elementor add a lot of value to the deal, and since you get them as a free bonus with Zita Pro, that makes it totally worth it!
Also remember Zita is launched in September 2018, so it’s a really young theme and it’s still developed quite actively. The developer is also really receptive to suggestions from users, so I expect a lot of improvements in the next months. I’ve had an extensive chat with the lead developer myself, and he promised he would implement my suggestions as soon as possible.
All of the above was more than enough reason for me to go for the lifetime deal, that’s currently at just $149,00 for unlimited website use! Not ready to commit for life yet?
Zita also offers a yearly deal at $49,00 per year. Buy Zita Pro now!

Need help with your website?
This article is written by Bob the webbuilder, an allround website expert who blogs regularly about all kinds of subject to help you build your website. Do you need help? Hire Bob to build your website or improve your existing website!
This article contains affiliate links. That means I get a compensation when you buy software mentioned in this article. The price you pay is still the same so it won’t cost you anything, but it will help me to help you with these kind of free articles.
So if you’re going to buy a theme or page builder mentioned in this article, I would really appreciate it if you use my link.
Are you going to use Zita Free, but still want to help me out? Then I would really appreciate it if you would make a small, one time donation via the button on the right 🙂
I’m using Zita and I like it except for the checkout part of the cart. I’m having difficulty making it work. I’m not sure if I have to buy pro, install a template or page or widget. Do you have any suggestions? Maybe I can hire you to develop the checkout feature for me on Zita. I’m still developing my site.
Hi Barry,
What’s the problem? The checkout page in Zita free works fine on my test site…
Best regards from Bob
Thanks for getting back. When I add the product to the cart and click the checkout button it goes to my About Us page. Any suggestions?
That’s strange, but probably has nothing to do with Zita. Sounds like the wrong page is selected under WooCommerce –> Settings –> Advanced –> Checkout page, did you check that?
Best regards from Bob
That’s the problem. There’s no checkout page listed. Do I have to create one or is there a place I can import a checkout page already created? I’ll pay you to make one for me.
Hi Barry,
Sure, I can set it up for you. I’ll send you an e-mail.
Best regards from Bob
I figured it out. I had to reinstall the woocommerce pages. I will donate to your site. You were a big help.
Hi Barry,
Glad to read you solved your problem 🙂
Best regards from Bob